2009年5月21日 星期四

Oh! My MSV dream... (ZEONOGRAPHY未商品化)

Oh!  My MSV dream... (ZEONOGRAPHY未商品化)
The series is very promising at the very beginning, which attracted me to drown in the abyss of toy/figure/collection again in 2000. I can say without this series, I won't join toy/model forum, start taking Gundam pics, and hence, have this blog & meet with all of you.

Sad that this line finally becomes "chicken ribs" & not mentioned Zeonography ended in a sudden without releasing all the MSV originally planned. What a regret!

(Pics are forwarded from Japanese Website)

My days (20 years ago) found every boxes of New MSV all over HK...

Do u know them all?  the box art is really cool!

They are all donated to model lovers!




7 則留言:

  1. shiet, i want the old school kits..
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 12:10:00]they re-issued 1/2 yr before, u grabbed them?

  2. 5係藍色的嗎
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 12:09:00]this is the original MSV box art color, the one in blue u seen should be it's apperance in Z Gundam

  3. though I'm a BIG fans of MSV also, it is really hard to expect all the MSV zaku variations can be released in ZEONOGRAPHY and still expect each of it have good sales.... This is what happening in MG Zaku 2.0 in recent months, with 3 to 4 MSV Zaku released in a short period, fans wallet dried up eventually....
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 12:10:00]that's exactly our MSV fans' regret....

  4. 噢, 你真係好多收藏喎~~!
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 12:11:00]those old kits are donated to friends in HKML & TD la...

  5. 現在的 fix 有點高不成,低不就, GFFN 索價太高, 但又看不見與之前的 GFF 有明顯的進步, 老實說, 如果要成五百多元, 不如玩 Metal GFF, 起碼質素好點, 現在的 GFFN 比較雞肋
    [版主回覆05/22/2010 12:52:00]GFFN 索價高, 但有明顯的進步 :)
