2007年11月29日 星期四


後日去喇! more suggestion pls!

Should be my 5th time to Tokyo... from 1/12-8/12.  Addicted to 1-man trip since last year & it is really so free!  Bro, any suggestion apart from below?
accomodate in Shinjuku cheap cheap hotel

& 1 more night.. Any recommendation? :)

2 day in Akiba
1 day 川越小江戶
1 day Fiji Q- Gundam Crisis of coz!  just buying ticket-return trip bus & pass in Shinjuku west exit is OK, right?
1 day 吉祥寺+ 中野
1 day 築地 +池袋


16 則留言:

  1. Yr trip looks very similar to mine in last July. That was my 1st time to Japan.I went with my wife & 10yr old daughter, so I could only hv 1 day in Akiba.... and I hv to hurry up go see everything and bought very little....  It must be GREAT to go there alone and spent 2 days there!!
    When I went to Fiji Q, Gundam Crisis was not yet open~~ it's still good cos that save me a lot of money, I think...  (see my blog:  My東京之旅_雜談二 )
    I see you will go to 吉祥寺.... hv u visit  三鷹之森吉普力美術館 b4? It's also known as 宮崎駿美術博物館, a great place for a anime fans and worth visiting. For yr info, its ticket hv to bought in advance in HK.
    My last day in the trip also went to 築地, can't forget the great sushi there~~ Wait for yr photos and toys from Japan!!
    [版主回覆11/03/2007 22:25:00]that why 1 men trip is better!
    for 吉祥寺, in fact, my main target is just Wave hobby shop & the beef ball...

  2. 點解唔留返日去原宿買衫?
    [版主回覆11/06/2007 12:36:00]any suggestions?  good brand at economy price? :)

  3. 可以試住四ツ谷的長良川呢,距離新宿兩個地鐵站,行路都去到新宿~

  4. 我蜜月去日本时都有去富士急樂園和秋葉原啊,不過不是去得很久,可惜啊................

  5. I always use http://www.jalan.net to reserve my hotel rooms... It always happen that the charge is lower even if you go to the hotel's site directly.

  6. Shinjuku cheap cheap hotel. which one u stay ? let me know can? next time i go try stay there..
    [版主回覆11/07/2007 09:24:00]Shinjuku Vintage; within 600 per nite

  7. 去吉祥寺只為 Wave? 老實說,其實間間模型店都是差不多的,去秋葉原都夠晒了。為何如此說?原因我七月時就係冒著雨一個人落吉祥寺找 Wave,結果當然幾失望。
    BTW, 池袋你打算看什麼呢?Animate 店?
    [版主回覆11/19/2007 21:57:00]Animate & Volks :)

  8. 期待你既收鑊~~~ ^o^

  9. 都是那句啦,Animate 和 Volks 在秋葉原睇的都是那些……

  10. Please go to 東瀛遊尖沙咀總行(tel: 2315 2000) to buy your Fuji-Q ticket (6900 yen vs 7100yen in Japan http://www.fujikyu.co.jp/bus2/hlset/toku_q-pack.html ).  Little bit cheaper and hassle-free!  Remember 東瀛遊 will not give you 找贖 and so prepare exact change for that...  Their address:  尖沙咀漆咸道南45~51號其士商業大廈1字樓 (尖沙咀地鐵站B2出口,向尖東方向徒步至百樂酒店轉右過馬路。)   Visit http://www.egltours.com/egltours/jsp/tours/branch_info.jsp  for more details.
    When you are in the Shinjuku Bus station, go to the counter to activate your ticket first and reserve for your return seat.  I suggest you check the bus schedule first: https://www.highwaybus.com/rou/bin/time_dsp.asp?mscssid=&ecd=&line=110&lgp=1&year=2007&month=11&day=20&updown=1
    Don't worry... no need to reserve the seat unless it is a very peak day.  You can take a very good sleep as it takes a long time to travel.  However, you need to take off the bus in the middle.  If it happens you leave before what you scheduled is okay.  The "bus uncle" is very kind to help you.
    Be honest I don't find that visit enjoyable... since you have time, remember to play the ride for at least 3 times:  First time feel the environment.  Second time watch the videos and third time try your best to collect all the items.
    Personal opinion - don't waste too much time at the entrance at the very beginning.  Rush into the smaller room to get more items...
    Tell me if you need any other information... ^^
    [版主回覆11/20/2007 14:20:00]Million thx! U are so kind & the info are really valuable to me :)

  11. No need to say thx... I'm so inspired by your works posted on various forums!  Just email me if you need more information!  Remember to check http://www.tsukiji-market.or.jp/etc/calendar/2007.html  before you go to tsukiji fish market... They have rest days.  My favourite is this shop http://www.tsukijisushisay.co.jp/store/honten.html ... Note they open by 8:30 and please don't go too early nor too late.  My favourite to buy cloths in Tokyo is always this place http://www.gardenwalk-outlet.com/  but it takes quite a long time for travelling.  If you have confidence, visit this place on the very last day because you can take http://www.kyouiku.tsukuba.ac.jp/~kazu/traffic/highway/Old-1999/1215/Iwaki-Hitachi=Narita.html  back to airport!  A save in time and travelling expenses.  I recall there should be large coin lockers over there http://www.keiyousen.com/blog/2007/05/post_63.php .
    I can say that living in Ueno is the best when travelling back to airport is considered.
    Have a nice trip... ^^
    [版主回覆11/22/2007 14:23:00]must THX again!

  12. Enjoy your trip....Hei Man

  13. 紙水高, HK買都既野唔駛係日本買.

  14. 1個人去雖悶,但有這經歷又幾有趣
