2007年10月14日 星期日

Revoltech VF-1S... missing part again

I seldom bought stuff other than Gundam series, coz I usually regard myself as Gundam fan not toy fan. Yet, Macross is one of my favorite animations (I remember it broadcasted when I was F3) Enjoy the pics! :)

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Missing part! Revoltech VF-1S... 唔通山口同我有仇!? 第二次了....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

6 則留言:

  1. 想請教點影到"對眼"好會閃?
    [版主回覆10/14/2007 20:57:00]use PhotoShop :)

  2. 應該唔係影到咁, 係後制.

  3. Maybe u should ask people in macau to buy stuff for you, as I never need to check much for QC problem for FIX in here......山口also!

  4. 我果只直頭無左只翼~~~好彩有得換
    [版主回覆10/16/2007 00:19:00]無翼!?
    有得換 ... GZ's service is better than HK...

  5. 山口d 野真係好睇彩數 好彩so far 我買左好幾隻都係得一隻爛腳....係咪叫好彩呢?
    [版主回覆10/16/2007 08:42:00]爛腳....唔叫好彩
    Can u exchange?

  6. 我做左一件好白痴既事, 就係用模型膠水諗住痴返.... 點知係會溶佢d 膠既! 之後去買左支aa 膠, 當然aa 膠都會溶膠, 但小心滴岩位問題不大. 模型膠痴力基本上係唔夠.... 所以山口式就算爛左, 都只可以用aa 膠搞
    [版主回覆10/16/2007 21:10:00]oh... waht a pity... :(
